Life, HOPE & Purpose: The Vision, The Mission - Tom Hatch Tom HatchSeptember 17, 2023generations, vision, availability, hope
LIFE, Hope & Purpose: The Vision, The Mission - Tom Hatch Tom HatchSeptember 10, 2023Life, generations, vision, availability
The Holy Spirit: The Power Behind Endurance Pt 2 - Tom Hatch Tom HatchJuly 9, 2023patience, hope, empowered
The Holy Spirit: The Power Behind Endurance - Tom Hatch Tom HatchJuly 2, 2023character, wilderness, Led by Holy Spirit
Abundant Life, Flourishing - Tom Hatch Tom HatchJune 18, 2023Advocate, Helper, Holy Spirit, endurance, character, joy, peace, righteousness
Pentecost is Not Over - Tom Hatch Tom HatchJune 4, 2023Holy Spirit, Breath, Yahweh, Breath of Life, Breath of Hope, Breath of Purpose
Beautiful Attitude - Tom & Suz Hatch Tom & Suzanne HatchMay 21, 2023Blessed, Humility, Beatitudes, Sermon on the Mount, Fully Satisfied
Comparison - Amber Watson Amber WatsonMay 14, 2023designed to be different, David & Goliath, growth mindset
Paul Before the Areopogus - Ian Kerby Ian KerbyMay 7, 2023Nature of God, Nature of Man, Our response, procrastination, obedience