Connect groups are vital to a healthy functioning church.

They create an environment where we can connect on a deeper level with our church family and grow in our relationship with God. 


Yeboah & Leigh Asiamah - Study Group
Mondays 7pm weekly

Ryan & Mel Peters - Family Group Mondays 5.30pm weekly

Susan Ramsay - Women’s Study Group Tuesdays 1.30pm weekly

Young Adults (Joni & Katy Campbell) Tuesdays 7pm weekly

Christian Essentials (foundations) Tuesdays 7pm weekly

Janice Neal - Prayer & Fellowship Wednesdays 10am weekly

Lesley Galvez - Women’s study group Wednesdays 2pm weekly

Ryan & Tracy Pigou - Study Group Wednesdays 7pm weekly

Flourish (Mums of Under 5’s) Thursdays 10.30am weekly, Elim Hall

Super Goldies’ Lunch & fellowship Monthly, 2nd Sunday after church Phil & Robyn Henderson

For more information, or help finding the right group for you please email the church office: