Life is a Symphony Pt 3 - Tom & Suz Hatch Life is a Symphony seriesTom & Suzanne HatchJuly 26, 2020symphony, cacophony, disharmony, harmony, dynamics, pitch, tempo, making music, A time for everything
Life is a Symphony Pt 2 - Tom & Suz Hatch Life is a Symphony seriesTom & Suzanne HatchJuly 19, 2020symphony, cacophony, heart, Offence, Agreement, disharmony, harmony
Life is a Symphony - Tom Hatch Life is a Symphony seriesTom HatchJuly 12, 2020unity, forgiveness, symphony, cacophony, heart, prickly cactus
To Be or Not to Be part 3 - Tom Hatch To Be or Not To Be seriesTom HatchJuly 5, 2020All lives matter, Samaritan Woman, Cause, cultural tension, racial tension, social tension, Active
To Be or Not to Be part 2 - Tom Hatch To Be or Not To Be seriesTom HatchJune 28, 2020All lives matter, Samaritan Woman, Cause, Angry, cultural tension, racial tension, social tension
To Be or Not to Be part 1 - Tom Hatch To Be or Not To Be seriesTom HatchJune 21, 2020All lives matter, Anxiousness, Samaritan Woman, Cause
God is Our Waymaker - David & Greta Peters Guest SpeakerGuest SpeakerJune 14, 2020Waymaker, Stand firm, Don't fear, Reset, Prayer
I'm IN! - Tom & Suz Hatch online churchTom & Suzanne HatchMay 31, 2020Mobilise, Invested, Invaluable, Value, Clothed, Pentecost
What's My Assignment? - Tom Hatch online churchTom HatchMay 24, 2020Mobilise, Mobilisation, Assignment, Mission
Mobilised For a Move - Joel Collingwood online churchGuest SpeakerMay 17, 2020Mobilise, Fear, Inspiration, Kingdom Identity, Mobilisation
What You Do Matters - Shannon & Amanda Hatch online churchGuest SpeakerMay 10, 2020What you do matters, Mary & Martha, Mobilise, New Season
The Reset - Tom & Suz Hatch online churchTom & Suzanne HatchMay 3, 2020Reset, Margins, Presence, Rest, Sabbath, Factory Settings
I'll Do What I Can - Tom Hatch online churchTom HatchApril 26, 2020Action, Serve, Remembrance, Gifts, Fruitfulness
How Do I Find & Maintain Peace in Uncertainty? - Tom & Suzanne Hatch online churchTom & Suzanne HatchApril 19, 2020Peace, Uncertainty, Let go, Words, Faith, Action
The Crown in the Plan - Tom Hatch Lock down hope, online churchTom HatchApril 12, 2020Hope, Easter Sunday, Resurrection, Crown of Thorns
Hope in the Valley - Tom Hatch Lock down hope, online churchTom HatchApril 5, 2020Hope, Valley, Separation, Isolation, Dry place
Who Am I? - Tom Hatch Lock down hope, online churchTom HatchMarch 29, 2020Identity, purpose, future, clarity