GO BUTTERFLY GO! - Amber Watson Amber WatsonNovember 3, 2019raising kids, pursuing God, transformation, relationship
All Things Are Possible - Anita McDonnell SHE ConnectsGuest SpeakerOctober 23, 2019Nothing impossible, victory
SLAVES & SERVANTS; FRIENDS & SONS - Joel Collingwood Guest SpeakerOctober 20, 2019Friends, Sons, Daughters, Kingdom, Servants, Slaves
THE ELECTRICITY OF BELIEF - Tom Hatch Tom HatchOctober 13, 2019belief, kingdom, surrender, purpose, encounter
The Spiritual Incubator - Ps Sam Ellis Guest SpeakerGuest SpeakerSeptember 29, 2019Lazarus, incubator, atmosphere, resurrection
Amazing Grace - How Sweet the Sound Guest SpeakerGuest SpeakerSeptember 15, 2019soul, well, amazing grace
Sound Mind Amber WatsonAugust 18, 2019Mind, sound mind, capture thoughts, identify lies, replace lies
Created to Bless - Pt 5: Building Bigger People SeriesTom HatchAugust 11, 2019Giving, finance, bless, feed
Nothing Hidden - Cliff & Jenni Warne Guest SpeakerAugust 4, 2019bless, marriage, one with God, baggage, relationships
Created to Bless - Pt 4: Feed That Which is Feeding You SeriesRyan PigouJuly 28, 2019Giving, finance, bless, feed
Created to Bless - Pt 3: Restored to Bless SeriesTom HatchJuly 21, 2019Giving, finance, bless, restore
Created to Bless - Pt 2: What is Money For? SeriesTom HatchJuly 7, 2019Giving, tithing, finance, bless, money
Amped For Life - Pat Buckley Guest SpeakerGuest SpeakerJune 30, 2019addiction, freedom, life, amped, parenting
ONE Service - Fruit of the Spirit One ServiceTom HatchJune 16, 2019Fruits of the Spirit, Stay connected